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Robyn McDonald Robyn McDonald

Homeopathy and Flower Essences

The initial consultation of an hour and a half involves a full case history being taken. Homepathy is about individualisation and matching a remedy to fit each person's unique symptom picture. The physical, emotional and mental condition are all included as well as past illness or injury and family history. A follow up appointment is recommended in around 4 weeks and this lasts approx 1 hour.

Remedies are made from natural substances which have been diluted repeatedly so are non-toxic, non habit forming and can safely be used from newborn to old age and during pregnancy. They are given in tiny pillule or liquid form and are easy to take. Often flower essences are prescribed alongside homeopathic remedies as they complement each other beautifully. Remedies re-balance your body's own healing power (vital force) and strengthen your ability to resist disease.

Homeopathy is a system of medicine with its own philosophy of health and disease and can be used to treat almost anything. Working on the 'like cures like' principle meaning a substance given in material doses that create symptoms in a healthy person can cure these unwanted symptoms when given in minute doses. It can treat acute and chronic illness and help with diseases considered incurable by conventional medicine. It is especially good at treating women's hormonal issues from painful or heavy periods to infertility and menopausal complaints.

For more information about homeopathy, please feel free to ring Robyn for an informal chat before making an appointment.