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Anne Cross Anne Cross
BSc Nutritional Medicine, Member BANT

0131 333 0792   —   07981 944 722

What is Nutritional Medicine?

Nutritional Medicine is a natural health care system / therapy that uses food, supplementary nutrients (vitamins and minerals) and cleansing procedures to alleviate or help prevent health problems.

The Consultation...

...is about you. The first appointment lasts for approx 1.5 hours and covers your present health, past health, dietary habits, family history, stress levels and energy levels. Follow up appointments are approx 45 minutes.

Various tests are available such as hair mineral analysis testing. Conditions which can be helped include:

  • Allergies, Arthritis, Asthma
  • Candida, Diabetes, Digestive problems
  • Headaches, Hormonal Problems
  • Low Energy and Fatigue, Low Mood
  • PMT, Skin conditions
  • Weight problems
... and much more.

The aim of treatment is to help restore health and vitality, produce a reduction in symptoms and halt progression of disease and poor health.

Good nutrition can help us be healthy in an unhealthy environment, fight off disease and improve energy and enthusiasm for life.

For more information feel free to ring Anne.